Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stochastic Shots - Porsche 911 GT3 RS

This is one sick car. Prepped as if it's a track attack machine on steriods, this mean Porsche doesn't only comes with a fancy paint job and a spoiler, it also has a roll cage inside!! What were the guys in Porsche were thinking? "Well, since we are going to pack a crazy amount of power inside this straight-six, lets just put on a roll cage... Just in case..." Duh. Not only you removed the rear seats for it to go faster, hell, the stereo and airconds are removed too! But I'm pretty sure that those losses, will come with some gains..

With almost 400hp, this is a butchering weapon on the right hands

Some big-ass brakes!

Not to be fooled, this spoiler is necessarily needed, unless you want to try out the effectiveness of your roll cage...

Awesome blue!!

The cones thought that they could blend in with the almost-same blueness.

Buy this Porsche today and get yourself two parking cones...for FREE!! And hey, it even color-matches!!

The Lone German

Honestly, I don't know how these people drive such beasts on the road. There must be some kind of small, whispering sound that kept telling you to floor the pedal and max the speedometer to its limit. That's a very alluring temptation if you ask me...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why you should go to school

Kids, there is a reason why your mom nags you everyday. Everyday, even before the sun is up, she brushes your lazy ass off the warm and comfortable bed to the much hatred and disgusted school that is full of bullies and child-eating teachers. When you are thinking, "She's crazy!!", is where you are totally wrong. She wants you to be smart, be someone useful and intelligent. And, she never wants you to do things like...

Not knowing the right spelling for a place where planes land is either "airport" or "airprot"

The one who puts this doesn't care though. He just puts both...

Or not knowing that something that sounds totally harmless to you, is cyanide for others

Imagine a promoter approaches you and saying, "Could I interest you on some rape cheese, sir?"
p/s: It's no ordinary cheese though. It's EXPIRED cheese!

Or when you want to tell that your grandpa has passed away, are you going to tell others by, "My grandpa has no such road..."???

This one is truly, lost in translation...

Or......not knowing the existence of the letter "B", which explains why you call it "alphaphet", until now...

Mommy! Mommy! Can I pai a petik plizzz??

Sometimes I just don't understand these people.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Supercars @ Tropicana

Hearing the rumors of the supercar gathering at Tropicana, I immediately charged my cam's battery to full, and also for myself. And not to forget, I don't even know how to get there! But it seems like my swift internet search and the will to gamble to the chances of relying to the internet's info somehow got my feet landed to the mall.

So, upon reaching, I dashed off across the mall, frantically searching this so-called "supercar gathering". Already, my head is starting to picture SLSes and R8s lined up along with a dozen of Ferraris and countless Porsches. And then... Aha! The Poster!

5pm? Yeah, right.

But although it says at 5pm, after asking the valet guy, it is actually on at 8pm. Duh. Well, it's better to arrive early, aite? But there is one guy that arrived early for the event. Even by hearing the rumbling sound of its straight-six engine, it managed to froze me and gape in astonishment. The first one to arrive was the Porsche 911 GT3 RS.

A 996, yum yum.

And before any of you guys start saying "Nah, that's a normal Porsche with some stickers and a set of blue rims" or "Are you sure? The front bumper looks different", I do not have a great depth of knowledge in Porsche's cars, so I couldn't really distinguish between a real GT3, and a kitted one. But one thing that I realize though, this one had that mean roll cage fitted inside, so I think, and I quote, I think, it is the real deal.

Being bored, I strolled around the mall, waiting for 8pm to come. And when it was, I wasted no time. Went straight to the ground floor and to the event location. Fortunately, I managed to get there before most of the cars get there. Listening to the intoxicating sound of various exotic engines really makes my day.

Anyways, I'll stop blabber here and let the pictures do the talking.

Eying the California from across the street...

...while the 430 does the same towards the LP640.

Aaaargh! My eyes!!

Hey.. Even the Brits decided to join the party...

Butt shot!

430s flanked by a GTR and a Carrera4S.

A row of millions of mad Italian/German horsepowers!

We could see how differently the Europeans make their cars. Germany with the sexy curves...

...while Japan with the all-business no-compromise lines and edges.

Another unique car in display, a matte-black R35 Skyline GTR. There's a Nismo badge at the rear by the way. Legit? Not so sure though.

Anyways, made a few new pals from the event. Had a good time chatting with you guys about everything related to cars! Be looking forward to seeing you guys anytime soon!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Italian vs American

Which would you choose; the harsh, vulgar and loud Z06, or the elegant, curvy and the finely tuned melody of the F430?

The Italian Horse locking on to the American Muscle

Oh, yeah... 505 horsepower!

The synonymous marque of wealth and speed

Personally, I'd take the F430. Don't know why though. Maybe it's because of the much-hyped name of Ferrari, or maybe I just love 'em deep inside.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stochastic Shots - White Bull

Bye-bye Great White Shark. To me, this one is much greater.

I would say, this is one of the most heavily modded Lambo I've seen yet.

An LP 640?

Really need a good cam ASAP. Current one performs badly under low-light..=(

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nature's Beauty with Man's Beast

Bumping into a Gallardo is already a huge stroke of luck for me, but one of those rare units? Man, jackpot! Now from the outside, it may look like the usual LP560-4, with those unmistakable slim and sleek headlights and the jet-like air intakes that has the ability to suck even a bulldog in it.

Personally loving this stance.

But with a little more attention to the detail on its small badge located near to the rear wheels, you’ll realize that it has less 10 horses, and not all wheel drive?

550 horses to play with! But only two legs to pin 'em to the ground?

Than that, must be the limited-edition, specially tribute (for Lamborghini’s veteran test driver Valentino Balboni) Lamborghini Gallardo LP 550-2 Balboni. With only 250 units world wide and a rear-wheel configuration, this Gallardo, I’m telling you, is really one of a kind.

But what kept me thinking though, I had never heard or even seen any of the Balboni units of being painted purely white. All of those I heard of had that special and distinctive stripe running through the centre-top of the car, from the front hood straight to the rear engine bay.

Look ma! No Stripes!

But there ain’t any over here! But then, what does this badge tells us? It has 550 horses to gallop around and the power only goes to two wheels, which I could bet on my next salary that Lamborghini isn’t crazy enough to make it going to the front wheels.

Anyways, let’s put all those tech-reference-black and white- specification for a while and just feast our eyes on this majestically crafted German-engineered road beast…

Bull power!

And a million thanks to the cool owner for giving me the green light to browse around your amazing masterpiece, you rock!!


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