Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stochastic Shots - Porsche 911 GT3 RS

This is one sick car. Prepped as if it's a track attack machine on steriods, this mean Porsche doesn't only comes with a fancy paint job and a spoiler, it also has a roll cage inside!! What were the guys in Porsche were thinking? "Well, since we are going to pack a crazy amount of power inside this straight-six, lets just put on a roll cage... Just in case..." Duh. Not only you removed the rear seats for it to go faster, hell, the stereo and airconds are removed too! But I'm pretty sure that those losses, will come with some gains..

With almost 400hp, this is a butchering weapon on the right hands

Some big-ass brakes!

Not to be fooled, this spoiler is necessarily needed, unless you want to try out the effectiveness of your roll cage...

Awesome blue!!

The cones thought that they could blend in with the almost-same blueness.

Buy this Porsche today and get yourself two parking cones...for FREE!! And hey, it even color-matches!!

The Lone German

Honestly, I don't know how these people drive such beasts on the road. There must be some kind of small, whispering sound that kept telling you to floor the pedal and max the speedometer to its limit. That's a very alluring temptation if you ask me...

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