Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stochastic Shots - The Last Hurrah

We never want good things to end. Never. But still, someday, we just have to say goodbye on somethings that are just too good to be true. The Transformers trilogy. Cheap petrol. Safe streets. Mitsubishi Evo. And now, we have to bid goodbye to the bad boy supercar that has been haranguing Mr. Enzo's creations all time long, the Lamborghini Murcielago. And this is not any normal Murcielago, its the stripped down, pumped-up version of which it qualifies to bear the SV logo on it. This is the Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670-4 SuperVeloce. The last Murcielago that will ever be made.

To me, this one does not belong on the roads. It belongs in the skies!

Together dying with this magnificent car, is also the V12 engine that has been running strongly since the Murcielago's granddad, the Miura.

Lamborghini is never bored with lines.

In this V12 engine, it packs 661hp that pushes this tangerine beast from a standstill to 100 in almost 3 seconds and will keep on going to a top speed of 340km/h! Ready for a sudden rush of adrenaline?

Seriously Vicious!

I have gotta admit, I am never a big fan of exhausts in the middle. Not until this one arrives.

With the passing of a legend, the world is left with an empty space that awaits its successor. But actually a waiting is not necessary, as Lamborghini had already lined up another menacing beast to replace the empty spot. Let us all wait for the new tarmac-crunching from Lamborghini, the Aventador LP 700-4.

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