Monday, January 17, 2011

Stochastic shots

I must say, I am a lazy bum on posting new entries here. Not that I am active somewhere else, I'm not! Or maybe I didn't think that what I have in mind is not too "post-worthy", or whatever the hell that means.

So, in order to keep things running (for the umpteenth time), I think I'll start off with a new post called "Stochastic shots", where I'll regularly (hopefully) post anything around me that seems fascinating or worthy enough for you to spend your time on.

It wouldn't take a total genius to figure out that most of the posts will be about those with four wheels and an engine, but I'll try to put on some variety in it, just to spice things up.

And by the way, to those that think that they have a better name for this post, please oh pretty please tell me so! This name sounds so...I don't know...weird. Like there's no "vibe" in it. Cause I'm just so blank for now.

Anyways, here's the first batch of my stochasticness!

Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera

This Bull will not charge at a red cloth. Instead, it will on a checkered flag.

Air sucka!!

Big Brother sits shyfully at the back.

I say this, a Gallardo looks far more aggressive than that TT back there. Uh, you see it?

Yummy rims and giant brakes!

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