Sunday, October 17, 2010


Honestly, when I started this blog, i had an image of myself being occupied updating it with numerous posts, filled with interesting stuff that i had never imagined.
not even close.
i could not even update it weekly, not even monthly! maybe the mood comes when i feel extremely bored and could not find anything interesting in the internet to entertain the enormous spare time that i had in hand (i have none actually!).
so here i am, trying to come up with a new post in this lovely mid-October, where assignments are fading off, and the exam fever brewing up.. an early call to start opening up those books i might say. but yet, i think one post could not hurt, doesn't it?
no where should i go from here? giving a heads up of what i'm planning to do with this rusty ol' blog? hmmm... that might just as well work..i maybe some of you realize that i have posted a few pics of automotives, where even i myself are in the state of unsureness of whether it is attractive, or just a simple jpeg for you guys. but to me, i just got to say that i LOVE 'em!
i never thought that i will ever have the slightest interest in photography! really! while im still in this topic, i would like to thank those that had whether directly or indirectly got me into this newly-discovered hobby that had me indulging in it. a million thanks to you guys, you ROCK!!
so at this newbie-level that im still in for the moment, i can say that most of my pics are not so eye-popping or even appealing for some...since i have a thing with cars, you'd expect more of them to come in the time being. i'll try my best to post them as frequent as i could, if i have any subjects to shoot on to.
since i could be categorized as "freelance"( that's what i think i might be called), i don't really get a call for a photoshoot of any kind. i just shoot anything that i do you put this..."shootworthy". heh. i am really starting to make a lot of new terms here. never mind..
well, i could say that what i mentioned earlier will be the ones that's going to fill up this blog! which i really hope that i will get a lot o subjects to shoot, or else it will again start to get rusty, and i don't think that i have enough WD40 to shove them off..
let's just hope that i'll have the strength for the next post tomorrow..haha..
til then, cheerio!

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