Sunday, December 4, 2011

PG Trackies Track Day - 1st December 2011

Just when I got off my bed and took a simple glance outside, a spontaneous “Oh damn!” muttered out of my head, almost audibly. Oh great, it’s raining, in the morning. If it’s any other morning, I wouldn’t worry much about it. Just curl up in the blanket and it’ll be the best feeling ever. But today’s what I’ve been looking forward for some time, the PG Trackies Track Day. Trying to look on the bright side, I convinced myself that it’ll fade out anytime soon, but it didn't.

But I was determined to make it to Pasir Gudang, and I’m pretty sure that this light drizzle wouldn’t stop the PG Trackies guys from making it there neither. Or else, this speed-loving group wouldn’t bother to travel all the way, crossing the Tebrau Straits and brave out the notorious morning jam at the Pasir Gudang highway, in search of some refuge from the menacing traffic laws that had since hid the true potential of the monster that lives under their hoods.

The journey to the track wasn’t short, but I wouldn’t call it far as well. But I made it to the track though, minus the downsides along the way like unfamiliar roads, almost getting caught in a traffic jam and etc. Putting that aside, I arrived early on the track, with the sky still pouring on my head.Moments later, a long row of tuners arrived at the main gate of the Pasir Gudang Track. It was the PG Trackies!

Wet and gloomy, a simple way to describe the day

Behind bars, and inches to freedom
As they rolled in and settled down in the pits, their worried and disappointed faces could be clearly seen, due to the wet weather.
Wet conditions simply means slow, cautious driving, thus making it almost impossible to post fast and consistent lap times. But since they got the whole track for themselves for 4 hours, they braved it out anyways. And besides, they’re here to have some fun; so it doesn’t mean that when the skies are gloomy, they’ll be the same too. So right after some briefing by the committee members about safety and whatnot, the usually serene and tranquil Pasir Gudang Track came to life with the symphony of boxer burbles and VTECs kicking in.

Jerry giving his Safety First speech
But unfortunately, it wasn’t only the drivers that had issues with the weather. I had yet had any experience on shooting in the rain, so I could simply say that I was pretty under-equipped and lacking of skills! Although Jerry lends me an umbrella (Thanks Jerry!), I still find it a bit tricky to hold it at one hand, and shoot with the other. So before the horde goes down to terrorize the track, I quickly took the chance to take some shots of them in the pits.

The only Mitsubishi present, the Lancer Evolution X

MIVEC power!

If Ironhide were to be revived, I want em to have this look!

Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. All the Trackies want to play. Rain, rain, go away.

A Version 9 Scooby with ADVANs. Yummy!
The proud heart of Subaru owners.
Peace out!

The only red Impreza in the group. Symbolizes something maybe? The leader? Or the fastest?
And while doing so, I could really say that I had a really good time! Not only because I could get up-close and personal with some great machines that I could only usually see in HyperTune or Speedhunters, but mainly because of the friendly and welcoming members of PG Trackies themselves! Honestly speaking, I was quite nervous to be there at first, considering that I’m just a new face in a well-established group, where every member has the same deep passion as everyone else in it. But I guess I worry too much, and the guys at PG Trackies are among the best I’ve ever met!
After some shots and socializing with the members, one by one, they start to take the track. I moved to the side of the main straight to get some panning shots, which was quite a tricky thing to do under the rain. Keeping the camera dry and regularly wipe the raindrops on the lens are just some of it. But the intoxicating sounds of the high-revving engines were just irresistible and pretty much made me forgot about the rain itself.
An Impreza braving the rain for a run.

Deutschland rivalry.
The track was literally littered with Subarus, Imprezas and Foresters to be precise. I guess under these conditions, AWD could really provide and extra edge for them to negotiate better under these conditions.

There’s just Subarus all over! Here’s one…

…and another…
…and another!
There were some Hondas too, and they didn’t do too bad themselves, being FWD monsters. Maybe it’s like Shawn Boswell said after all, “It’s not the ride, it’s the rider”.

"Strap in tightly bro, we’re in for a ride”...
The EK's lil bro, the FD2R.
But for some, the track at some parts was a bit too much for them. The last corner for example looks pretty easy to go through, saw a couple of guys went off course or spinning out, most probably due to the slippery conditions of the track.

The last corner; where some got bitten.
But was that enough for them to stop driving fast and just have a stroll in the park? Hell no! These guys actually used their full 4 hours to the max mashing their gas pedal down to the floor.
Going full speed!

The Red Devil shows how it’s done.

Don’t be fooled by its size, the Foresters here do mean business!

One of the coolest hatchback in my opinion. Looks futuristic!

This particular Integra kept red-lining (is that the term?) at the main straights. I wonder why…
Of course, they did not take the track all at once. Or else they’ll be 30+ cars zooming on the 20+ year old 3.86km circuit. After morning tea, both the track and pits were buzzing with activities, with some making adjustments on their cars while some just stopped in the pits to have some rest.

Was quite surprised that an A5 turned up that day, and he was no lost businessman.

One of the Sciroccos falling back into the pits.


One of the coolest Bimmer out there with its blacked-out scheme.
Taking 5

Same, but with very much difference between them.

The Exige S, one of the serious track weapons in the right hands.
The pits were also where one could see how by sharing the same passion could bring a lot of friends. Sharing specs, discussing driving techniques and talking about trade secrets are just some that the members exchange during their time in the pits.
$ Rings. I mean 4! Well, it does make sense anyways...

Everybody say aaaa!

Might not be much to look at, but there are stables of wild horses in it.
Spot the not.

The Integra Trio.
After a few shots (hundreds actually!), I was quite surprised that it was already 1 pm. 4 hours passed felt like 4 minutes, but it was a very well-spent 4 minutes I’d tell you. As the Trackies packed up their stuffs and helped themselves out of the track, they gathered around for one last group shot to end their 1st December Track Day.
Packing up the spare tires before leaving...
But just as this one had ended, they are already eying for future track events. Sepang probably? Well, that is entirely up to them to decide. But whatever their decision will be, I’m pretty sure that they’ll have a fantastic time with their beloved machines.

The whole awesome crew!
A million thanks to all the guys at PG Trackies, especially Jerry Lim for your kindness along the way. You guys have been most kind and I really had a good time! Really hope to see you guys again in the near future.

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