Thursday, May 27, 2010


Well, undeniably that I am one of the guys that kept filling up blogspot with inactive blogs that seemed to be "pestering" in the world wide web. Apologies for my behavior, i'll try to be more "active" on this time on... Although i know that i may not have the capacity or even the ability to continuously be online at several occasions, i'll try my best to do so...

And seems like we are now in a new year than my previous blog post, i now may have some new agendas to be posted on the net. With the arrival of a new digital camera, i can now share with the world what i find interesting and catches my eyes. An early warning to those that may not like cars or toys for boys, this blog will be filled with pics of it. Cars, digital electronic stuffs, you name it. And also since i am a newbie in the photography field, i would really appreciate building comments for my pictures and also those that i have edited with photoshop. Honestly, i really need some guidance and tutors from anyone that thinks that i need more skill or work to get my shots look "professional" or even "acceptable" to the public's eyes.

Again, i'll try to post some of my shots here when i have the opportunity, and thanks a lot for your willingness to even bother to look into my blog... =D

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