Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Welcome guys n gals!!

Hey guys n welcome 2 my blog!!

Btw, thnx a lot 4 visitin my newly established blog, although i still don’t have any ideas on what to put here…(-.-“) But still, welcome I bid 2 you once again!! Well, lets just put it this way…Im just a guy dat sometimes have some pretty weird, interesting, outta the world views and ideas that I just cant find a channel to voice out and share my thoughts to. And now I got my own laptop and starting to get to know the world wide web better, I finally got the chance to do so!! (thnx a LOT technology…I owe you big time…)

Well, what could/should/would you expect from this blog? Erm…actually, that’s a question that even I am trying pretty hard to find an answer… Let’s just say that you will probably see things like all guys are usually obsessed like things that go up to 400km/h (or more), funny stuffs, things that you don’t normally see in your everyday life and things that are unique from around the world, and of course from local too. Aha… one more thing before I forgot, I would really, really appreciate you guys on any tips, suggestions or even guides on me to…well…improve my blog maybe… coz im starting here without any tutelage of any guru from blogland, so…please help me out k?

I think dat’s it from me, for now… I got a post in mind to put on at the moment, and it’ll be the first one. (yeay2!!=D) so, do look on it k? till then, dis is han signing out….

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