Monday, March 28, 2011

FXOpen Drift Series 2011

Speed City KL... Try to tell that to any cab driver and they would not even have a clue of where that is. And not even that, they do not even have a clue of where/what "Selangor Turf Club" is! Only a small number (actually only one) of them finally understood what it was when they asked "Itu tempat lumba kuda ka?", which I said yes, and we were on the way. And I am on my way to my first drift event, the FXOpen Drift Series 2011.

Though I missed both the 1st and 2nd day of the competition, I was determined not to miss this one. Been missing too much events before, and that must come to a halt once and for all. Upon reaching the venue, my ears were greeted by the unmistakable noise of both high-revving rear-wheelers and screaming tyres. Not wasting any seconds (since I arrived quite late, somewhere around 3pm), I immediately got myself the RM15 ticket and forcefully surrendered both my unopened bottle of 100 Plus and another mineral water before entering, as they say it was "procedure". Procedure my ass.

So as I got there, a tsuiso was commencing between whom, I was not so sure. One thing about competitive drifting is that I could only recall or recognize a few names, faces and cars that are widely publicized, like the definitely famous Prince of Drift or a.k.a. the Tandem Assassin, Tengku Djan Ley, Leona Chin, Kiki (Thai drifter), and also Ah Fai. Well, maybe there are a few more names that I could put out, but as I had yet start to follow the drift scene a little bit seriously, I could say that I know almost nothing. Hopefully with this one, atleast I'll recognize some of the faces that is trying hardly to make the drifting scene more lively in Malaysia.

Back to the event, as I reached the scene, immediately my instinct tells me to go to the grandstand, hoping to get a good view. Well, the view was great from there, especially for those who wanted to relax and spectate the cars shredding their tyres, from afar. But I think I wanted more than that. I wanted to get closer to the action. Despite the superbly blistering heat, I decided to go where I could get closer to it, legally though; the barriers. And since this spot gives a clearer view of the drifting action, I managed to capture the moments where the cars are taking their first corner.

You gotta have big, brass balls to drift your car that close to the walls!

Goodyear's Cefiro doing his thing.

Same make, same look, same aim; defeat the opponent.

It was a very good idea to put myself here instead of the grandstand. Seeing the drifters lock their rear wheels on the 1st corner with such spectacle really amuses me. And as the drifters pass by and the smoke approaches, the strong smell of burnt rubber filled the air and at the same time rained bits of pieces of rubber towards the barrier-loving spectators. But somehow, what I thought of a "good idea" was not so good after all. It was actually VERY risky. In the round where Hashiguti Anderson vs Along (got these names from, thanks for the details guys!), somehow Along understeered his bright orange A31 Cefiro and went on crashing to the barriers.

Hashiguti (Yellow-red 180SX) vs Along (Orange A31)

1st corner looking good...

But on the second corner...

...understeered and CRASH!

The driver walking away as if nothing had happened.

Luckily though, the damage was not so extensive and the drifter managed to crawl out from the wreckage without any major injuries.

4 barrels were killed in this incident. Unfortunately, they did not have enough white cloth to cover them all...

So as the red flag was flagged and the competition was halted for a while, I took the opportunity to stroll to the booths, checking out what they had in store for the visitors. Put aside the usual booths that sells shirts, foods and drinks, there were also some booths that displays some exotic supercars! We're talking about F430, Gallardo, and one of the most unexpected, an LP 670-4 SV!!

I'd have the orange one, please...

F-22 Raptor on the road!!

Superleggera under the same hood with the 599.

Anyways, as the action resumed, I went back to the barriers, only a different location. And this new location enables me to get a view of the cars taking the second corner clearly. Although the heat was getting a little bit intense, none of the drift fans seemed to be complaining. So why should I?

The Hachiroku leaving the 180SX behind...

But since their run was good, an OMT was called...and...

...the spectators got some ass-kissing action..

Goodyear's 86 battling out with Federal's Cefiro.

And after the Top 8 (I think), they took a time-out, giving the drifters some time to cool down before giving on all they got to claim the RM100,000 prize. And during that time-off, an autograph session was held at one of the booths, so I wasted no time and dashed to the booth, and got myself some sideways maniac autographs, and got myself a free t-shirt too.

Was hot and humid, but they braved on and pleased the crowd, both on and off the tracks.

After getting a little bit up close but not personal with the drifters, the action resumed and I went on surrendering myself to be rained with bits of rubber...

Djan with an 86 wagon??

In case you are wondering, no, the 86 did not overtake Djan, this is just the second run..

Just look at that smoke trail!

I just realized just how long this post is going to be, so maybe a Part 2 will be appropriate... So more sideways and rubber burning action on Part 2!!

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