Monday, November 14, 2011

The Silver Bullet - Audi R8

Sometimes when I go to autoshows or car gatherings, I often get the feeling of a kid in a candy store; I get into an instant eye-gasm and just don’t know which to shoot first. And under the chaotic temptation that is caused by some unknown hormones in a raging young blood, often I accidentally “neglect” some jewels that reside in our streets.

Upon bumping on this silver R8, I made it pretty clear that I must get as many good shots as possible with this rare encounter. Maybe some will smirk, thinking that this R8 is not that rare for me to do so. It may not be an F40, or an E-Type Jag, or even the Veyron that rarely comes out and kisses out the tarmac on our bumpy Malaysian roads. But in my current location, even a Fairlady could be considered as an exotic; so you could see how this R8 will turn every head on my streets and appreciate the finely-crafted/engineered German masterpiece.

Like the Veyron, this one looks like it calls the space home rather than the road.
To me, the main attraction of the R8 is none other than the whole body itself. It has a body that has a resemblance more to a space cruiser rather than a car to run on the roads. But of course, what would a supercar be if it is not as absurd or crazily build to perform and impress like the jet-like Aventador or the elegantly-shaped Italia?

One of my favorite parts of the R8, the eagle eye headlights and those cool front intakes.
Running on a 4.2l V8 that generates about 430hp, this Quattro monster dashes from a standstill to 100 in less than 5 seconds. Maybe it is not that fast compared to the others in the same class like the Murcielago or the F430, but one should remember that Audi is not known for making supercars all these time. For one who just entered the big leagues, it is not a bad entry indeed.

The Four Rings.

A little attention to detail added on the fuelcap. Shows where your RM1mil goes to.
And with the new LEDs on this R8, it definitely makes this German engineering stand up among the others, even in the dark. Some may say that it is absurd, that daylight-running LEDs are just pointless. Well, as pointless as it is, it has somehow became a trend for today's cars as more and more auto giants are following Audi's trail.

Those rear outtakes looks more like Freddy Kruger's blades rather than a car's part.

Quad cannons. Dare to mess with these?


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